OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


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Jun 19, 2014
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Thankfully I have not followed the prevailing logic (lol) of this special-needs debate. That said, isn't the subject about Kap's contract? Weird that a thread would depart on a tangent.

Anyway, if the crux of this debate revolves around Kap's rookie season, the reason he didn't start that year was less about Alex Smith and far more because he ran a Pistol offense at Nevada and had no previous exposure to a pro-style scheme.

In his rookie year that's absolutely correct.

Kap was RAW. He needed the work. Hell, the REASON he was drafted in the second round was because he was raw and not ready to play right away. His combination of speed, size, and arm strength are unheard of. Physically, he checks all the boxes and then some. Had he been more seasoned and more ready to play right away he'd have been selected much higher than he was...and above the likes of Gabbert, Ponder, Locker, and Dalton.

In his second year Alex Smith had just taken his team to the NFCCG and a 13-3 record...and the best season of his career. Quoting Smiths rookie numbers is ludicrous. He wasn't that guy anymore. He wasn't an all world player, but he was a far more than serviceable player.

He was having a great season. The week before he got hurt he went 18/19 and 3 TDs and had a QB rating of 157. In the game he got hurt his QB rating was over 140.

Kap wasn't given a shot because the QB in front of him was performing. So much so that when Smith didn't get his job back there was public outcry. When Kap came in he played so well that they just couldn't take him out.

Not understanding the difference between a #1 pick and a guy drafted in the second round by a playoff team is kinda sad.


N.eg it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
May 18, 2014
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I'm not even sure what this thread is about anymore.

Hey, does anyone know what Kapernick thinks about vaccinations?


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Marvin, I have previously stated on this board that in 2020, we will be able to look back over the prior six years (from around now until then, 2020), and Kap will be widely considered the best player in the NFL over that timeframe. It's a generally accepted fact around here that what I predict can pretty much be taken to the bank. So look forward to some good years for your team.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Marvin, I have previously stated on this board that in 2020, we will be able to look back over the prior six years (from around now until then, 2020), and Kaep will be widely considered the best player in the NFL over that timeframe. It's a generally accepted fact around here that what I predict can pretty much be taken to the bank. So look forward to some good years for your team.

Marvin, listen to this man.


New member
Jun 19, 2014
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I hope that's the case, but he's still got a long way to go. He's got the tools and he's got the work ethic.


New member
Jun 19, 2014
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Honestly, I think his lack of humility is overblown.

A perfect example is the Kaepernicking kiss the bicep thing. That started when that article came out comparing him to a San Quentin inmate because of the tattoos. The very next game he scored on a 50 yard run and kissed the tattoo...and it went viral. The he trademarked the thing and peeps though it was ridiculous...but he trademarked it so he could sell the image on shirts etc and give the proceeds to his favorite charity...Camp Taylor. His parents adopted him because two siblings had died fro heart defects as infants. Camp Taylor is strictly for kids with Heart Problems.

Not trying to make him out like he's a saint or something. He's been known to get around a bit. LOL. I could have done without the body mag stuff, but Vernon Davis was in it too and nobody said a word.

Jus sayin I think he's more humble than people think. He's also shy and it really shows up in the media when he's interviewed. He's not good on camera.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Honestly, I think his lack of humility is overblown.

A perfect example is the Kaepernicking kiss the bicep thing. That started when that article came out comparing him to a San Quentin inmate because of the tattoos. The very next game he scored on a 50 yard run and kissed the tattoo...and it went viral. The he trademarked the thing and peeps though it was ridiculous...but he trademarked it so he could sell the image on shirts etc and give the proceeds to his favorite charity...Camp Taylor. His parents adopted him because two siblings had died fro heart defects as infants. Camp Taylor is strictly for kids with Heart Problems.

Not trying to make him out like he's a saint or something. He's been known to get around a bit. LOL. I could have done without the body mag stuff, but Vernon Davis was in it too and nobody said a word.

Jus sayin I think he's more humble than people think. He's also shy and it really shows up in the media when he's interviewed. He's not good on camera.

also, too many tattoos.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Honestly, I think his lack of humility is overblown.

A perfect example is the Kaepernicking kiss the bicep thing. That started when that article came out comparing him to a San Quentin inmate because of the tattoos. The very next game he scored on a 50 yard run and kissed the tattoo...and it went viral. The he trademarked the thing and peeps though it was ridiculous...but he trademarked it so he could sell the image on shirts etc and give the proceeds to his favorite charity...Camp Taylor. His parents adopted him because two siblings had died fro heart defects as infants. Camp Taylor is strictly for kids with Heart Problems.

Not trying to make him out like he's a saint or something. He's been known to get around a bit. LOL. I could have done without the body mag stuff, but Vernon Davis was in it too and nobody said a word.

Jus sayin I think he's more humble than people think. He's also shy and it really shows up in the media when he's interviewed. He's not good on camera.

and does he have to wear his cap backwards and have beats headphones at pressers? that shit is wack


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Jun 19, 2014
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I don't mind it so much.

They are actually one of his sponsors, but I can see how peeps might not like it.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA

Greeting Bears fans. Niner fan here. No smack talkin here at all. My best friend in the world is a huge Bears fan...so much so that his wedding colors were Navy Blue and Orange (even though he insists it was an accident...yeah, right).

I'm also excited to be able to take him to the first ever regular season game at Levis Stadium...a Sunday Night week 2 matchup against your Chicago Bears.

I never intended to post here...but I just couldn't help but laugh my a$$ off at this thread. L Guapo? Man...you need help. You are being schooled six ways to sunday and you don't even know it. That's the worst part. Its OK to be wrong....its how DEFIANTLY wrong you are that's so alarming.

First off...I have to admit....I'm not a Newton fan. Has nothing to do with his physical ability. Has more to do with his personality. No biggy tho.

In comparing Kap and Cam tho there are several things to consider....many that are detailed here already.

1) Cam was drafted #1 overall by a team that was bad enough to be drafting #1 overall. He was an instant starter because they had nobody. Kap was a developmental QB with little experience in a pro style offense and played at Nevada, not in the SEC. Kap was ALWAYS the future at QB in SF from the day he was drafted, but he was RAW as all hell. Still is in many respects. Kap didn't start in year 2 because Alex Smith had his best season as a pro, went 13-3, and was an overtime fumble on a punt return away form a SB appearance. It should also be noted that in the games he played in the first half of 2012, he was posting the highest QB rating of his entire career. He has since left to help another team bad enough to have the #1 pick (Chiefs) become a playoff contender.

2) The fact that Guapo can't grasp the fact that he started 7 games and Cam started 16 is really comical. DESPITE Alex Smith having a QB rating of 104.1, the 49ers stuck with the young kid with speed and a big arm because he was better...even though he was still RAW. I mean for gods sake his 10th NFL start was in the Super Bowl and he was still learning how to play the position. Holding the fact that he didn't supplant Smith IMMEDIATELY on the depth chart shows a complete lack of understanding of the game.

3) Rushing yards/TDs. That's hilarious. Ya know why he doesn't have as many yards or TDs as Cam? Because he doesn't take on LBs straight up. He slides. He gets out of bounds. He protects himself from unnecessary hits. Where he DOESN'T protect himself running the ball is in the playoffs...where he is already the NFLs second all time leading rusher as a QB. 181 last year vs the Packers, more than any other QB in league history in ANY game. Another 99 against the Packers this year. Another 130 against the Seahawks. I can go on and on.

4) INTs. Left out of Guapos arguments COMPLETELY are INTs. Including the playoffs, Kap through 11 INTs last year. Cam threw 15 in 2 fewer games. SIX of Kaps INTs came against the best secondary in the NFL...the Seattle Seahawks in 3 games. He threw 5 in the other 16 games. To me, the most important stat for a QB is Yards Per Attempt. Why? It takes almost everything into account...comp %, Yards per completion, etc. Kaps YPA in his first season was an astounding 8.3. That's the highest among any starter in the NFL. What that means is that even though his comp % is lower, he is gaining more yards per completion than anyone else. IE...he's not throwing 5 yard outs like the guys who complete 70% of their passes. He's pushing the ball down the field all the time. Cam Newton was impressive himself BTW at 8.0. Just for the sake of curiosity, Jay Cutler was at 7.0.

This past year Kap struggled for large portions of the year. Losing Michael Crabtree, Anquan Boldin not being able to separate by himself, Vernon Davis hurting his Hamstring, no other WR being able to do anything, and yes, Kap having growing pains all led to his YPA dropping....to 7.7. LOL. Newton was at 7.1.

In a nutshell, Guapo....you are not the voice of reason in the darkness of fools. You are the fool who doesn't know he's a fool and everyone is laughing at you.

What a sad biased 9er fan you are. All you are giving are excuses why Kap doesn't have the production that Cam has. It is in the books...sorry kid. Cam's NFL rookie records are in the books , his 11k passing yards, 2k rushing yards, 28 rushing TD also, etc. This is more than double Kap and in rushing quadruple. You giving excuses on why Kap as a high 2nd round pick couldn't beat out a game manager that has been benched a few times is comical and downright pathetic.

Oh...by the way, great logic when saying Cam when to a really bad team as the #1 pick with little weapons when Kap has Crabtree, Vernon Davis, Gore, great OL, Boldin..quite a few pro bowlers and Cam did not. And let me guess, Kap slides when he is about to score a TD where Cam and his 28 TDs doesn't right? :facepalm2: Great logic in explaining why Cam has quadrupled production in that aspect. Just when I thought one couldn't give a more idiotic excuse than gfat!

Sorry these qbs from the same draft will always be compared and Cam has outproduced Kap on a crappier team with worse weapons like you said. Thanks for the spot bro


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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Dude....just stop. You are really showing how desperate one can get when you just can't admit the reality of the situation. You took a huge step in admitting 28>7....good job

Hasselbeck was a 3 time pro bowler at the time. He has 34,647 passing yards, 201 TDs, over 60% comp, and 82.1 passer %

Alex Smith had been benched 3 times, had the worst TD/INT ratio in 2005 with 1 TD and 11 INTS (that is not a typo), had the worst passer % to Kellen Clements in 2007.
He has a whopping 17,593 passing yards, 104 TDs, UNDER 60% comp, and 81 passer %

Hasselbeck is better in all those areas in addition to being a very good pro bowl qb. Smith is not. Sorry bud, nobody that doesn't live in your fantasy world would agree that Smith was better than Hasselbeck.

Last time Hasselbeck made pro bowl was in 2007, 4 years before Locker was even in the league...and since then had thrown more INT's than TD's. Hasselbeck was on the tail end of his career no matter how many pro bowls he had made before Locker came into the league. And because I know your dumb ass is going to focus on Hasselbeck's career, remember the argument is about Kaepernick. So the reference point when discussing the caliber player Hasselbeck was compared to Alex Smith is from 2011 and on. And from 2011 and beyond Hasselbeck was no longer a starting caliber QB So comparing career numbers and accomplishments are pointless unless he made those accomplishments from 2011-2013. Also find it curious that you conveniently leave out that Smith made the pro bowl this past year, you know an actual relevant year to the argument being made. You know not 6 years ago when Hasselbeck actually was a good QB where he is pretty much a shell of his former self now.

Oh...by the way. Here is your little average argument to blow up your own productivity #s....again

Hasselbeck avg 228 yards per game >>> Smith's 195 ( that is under 200 per game for that better qb):kick:
Hasselbeck 1.32 TDs per game >> Smith's 1.15

Keep making horrible posts and blowing up your own dribble. Your idiocy is just plain boring but keep coming up with excuses why Kap couldn't beat out a manager who has been benched a lot while Locker beat out a multiple pro bowler.

P.S. 28 is 4 ×7 :shot::shot::shot: Thanks again

I was HOPING you would bring up the average argument...because according to you that doesn't matter so from 2011-2013 (the relevant years):

Smith - 8,194 yards, 53 Passing TD's, 3 Rushing TD's, 17 Int's, 62.7% comp

Hasselbeck - 5068 yards, 25 Passing TD's, 0 Rushing TD's, 20 Int's, 61.8% comp

So answer me this, is 8,194>5068? Is 53>25? Is 3>0? Is 20>17? The only argument you blew up was your own, even when you go by per game averages from 2011-2013

Smith - 205 yards/game, 1.33 Passing TD's/game, 3.12 TD/Int ratio and didn't go below 89 in passer rating

Hasselbeck - 241 yards/game, 1.19 Passing TD's, 1.25 TD/Int ratio and didn't go above 82 in passer rating

The only thing Hasselbeck beat Smith in was yards...and according to you its all about TD's so tell me is 1.33>1.19? Is 3.12>1.25?

But I know the only argument you are going to make is going to be about career production, but again you can't compare their careers when the point we are making is about 2 different players who entered the league in 2011. Which at that time Hasselbeck was just about washed up and was able to put together an Alex Smithesque season. In 2012 Locker beat out a Hasselbeck who was circling the drain of the NFL toilet. Where Kap replaced a QB who was playing efficient and well enough for a Chiefs team to trade a second round pick and another conditional pick. Tell me, today how many teams would give up a 2nd round pick and another conditional pick for your 3 time pro bowl QB Hasselbeck?


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Fuck this stupid thread. Die already.



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Aug 16, 2011
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Guano logic:

Locker & Ponder>Newton & Kap

Because they beat out multiple Pro Bowl QB's

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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LOL. I love watching Gaupo get fucking beat down. Just way to easy.

You can compare Kaep's early numbers to other loser QBs numbers but past numbers are not what the Niners are paying him for. They're paying for an amazing athlete who got plenty of playoff experience early on and they feel is just going to keep getting better.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Last time Hasselbeck made pro bowl was in 2007, 4 years before Locker was even in the league...and since then had thrown more INT's than TD's. Hasselbeck was on the tail end of his career no matter how many pro bowls he had made before Locker came into the league. And because I know your dumb ass is going to focus on Hasselbeck's career, remember the argument is about Kaepernick. So the reference point when discussing the caliber player Hasselbeck was compared to Alex Smith is from 2011 and on. And from 2011 and beyond Hasselbeck was no longer a starting caliber QB So comparing career numbers and accomplishments are pointless unless he made those accomplishments from 2011-2013. Also find it curious that you conveniently leave out that Smith made the pro bowl this past year, you know an actual relevant year to the argument being made. You know not 6 years ago when Hasselbeck actually was a good QB where he is pretty much a shell of his former self now.

I was HOPING you would bring up the average argument...because according to you that doesn't matter so from 2011-2013 (the relevant years):

Smith - 8,194 yards, 53 Passing TD's, 3 Rushing TD's, 17 Int's, 62.7% comp

Hasselbeck - 5068 yards, 25 Passing TD's, 0 Rushing TD's, 20 Int's, 61.8% comp

So answer me this, is 8,194>5068? Is 53>25? Is 3>0? Is 20>17? The only argument you blew up was your own, even when you go by per game averages from 2011-2013

Smith - 205 yards/game, 1.33 Passing TD's/game, 3.12 TD/Int ratio and didn't go below 89 in passer rating

Hasselbeck - 241 yards/game, 1.19 Passing TD's, 1.25 TD/Int ratio and didn't go above 82 in passer rating

The only thing Hasselbeck beat Smith in was yards...and according to you its all about TD's so tell me is 1.33>1.19? Is 3.12>1.25?

But I know the only argument you are going to make is going to be about career production, but again you can't compare their careers when the point we are making is about 2 different players who entered the league in 2011. Which at that time Hasselbeck was just about washed up and was able to put together an Alex Smithesque season. In 2012 Locker beat out a Hasselbeck who was circling the drain of the NFL toilet. Where Kap replaced a QB who was playing efficient and well enough for a Chiefs team to trade a second round pick and another conditional pick. Tell me, today how many teams would give up a 2nd round pick and another conditional pick for your 3 time pro bowl QB Hasselbeck?

I was waiting for you to actually say out loud that the game manager that has been BENCHED 4 times Alex Smith is a better qb than a very good qb Hasselbeck that has been to pro bowls and led the league in #s before...and you actually did! I love watching you try to save face because your Kap vs Newton argument blew up in your face and you destroyed your own argument. I love it! Sorry bud, raw qbs like Russel Wilson and Locker beat out veteran qbs before their 2nd year where Kap couldn't beat out a benched game manager. Deal with it.

Let me guess, was favre circling the drain before he went to the Vikes? Hasselbeck at the time was considered a solid qb and signed with Tenn for pretty big $$. Alex Smith is not a qb...he is a game manager who isn't a true passing guru qb. Hasselbeck's #s are worlds better and by trying to pump up the benched Alex Smith is laughable at best so thanks for that. Just skirt their career #s like they don't matter at all :shot: because you are wrong. Facts, numbers, stats, pro bowls, and records (worst season with 1td & 11 picks for benched Alex hahaha) don't lie....but you do.

Keep trying to save face for Kap not being able to have great production since he was riding the pine while others played...and outproduced. Keep on looking foolish by arguing vs career #s and remember that 28>7 just as 228>195 and 1.32>1.15 LOL.

Thanks for replying and looking like an ass as well as your little average argument that blew up in your face (see above and enjoy). Hasselbeck>Smith and 28>7....I would hope you would know this by doing simple math as well as actually watching football games, everybody else does but then again....:facepalm2: Thanks again


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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ill say it one last time u guys can hug kaps nuts all u like but the fact is on my list and this is only my opinion out of the youg qbs its...
1 luck
2 Wilson
3 newton
4 kap

the fact is maybe none of them turn into hofers but in his young class of qb's hes 4th at best.
also lets not forget foles this kid could easily surpass kap on this list

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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ill say it one last time u guys can hug kaps nuts all u like but the fact is on my list and this is only my opinion out of the youg qbs its...
1 luck
2 Wilson
3 newton
4 kap

the fact is maybe none of them turn into hofers but in his young class of qb's hes 4th at best.
also lets not forget foles this kid could easily surpass kap on this list
Foles is a fluke. Luck hasn't proven much of anything but Wilson surely has.
