OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


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Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
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Thanks a LOT, Cuntler



CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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In the grand picture, Cutler's contract will become a lot more "reasonable" in 1-2 years when Kap (just signed a bigger deal) Cam Newton, RG3, Luck, Dalton, Wilson sign. All of those guys will have bigger contracts, putting Cutler back around the 8-12th highest paid QB, which is about where his performance is rated.

Why people failed to realize that when Cutler was first signed is pretty dumb... yet expected.

dats what I said.

Its the benefit of setting the market in a new cycle.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Agreed. I personally like him, but I'm an asshole so that doesn't say anything for him. But I think a lot of people just really dislike his look combined with an attitude that isn't all-American apple pie like Luck and Wilson. Screw that. I think Kaep is a cool dude.

so weird that you hate Cutler. Should be right up your alley.


CCS Donator
Jan 11, 2014
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i like kaep. and cutler is the best QB we've had in a LONG TIME. he may still be under performing, but how about you give him 2-3 years with the same coach and offense, with players around him that don't suck.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Sorry, i just don't think he's that good. Granted neither is Cutler, but San Frans ground game forces 8 in the box AND they have the best offensive line by far in the league. He still throws away games. They could've afforded to let him walk to the Raiders next year and still be a great playoff team the next 4 years.

Exactly. That Douche wanted Cutler money and got #1 player in the NFL $$!!!:lmao: More than HOF qbs that actually play qb such as Manning, Brady, Brees, and all our favorite Rodgers!

His under 200 yards a game average and bad completion % (even when getting blown out) deserves to be the highest paid. Lol Flacco and his playoff wins and SB RING looks like a bargain. The 9ers just screwed themselves and are going to have to let some pro bowlers walk



The deal looks like an even smarter move by the 49ers now.


The contract also requires Kaepernick to purchase, with after-tax dollars, a disability policy that pays the 49ers $20 million if he suffers a career-ending injury.

As one source put it, Kaepernick can feel good about the deal because he has a lot more guaranteed money today than he had yesterday. But the same source also added that the 49ers are nevertheless “thrilled” with the contract, which allows them to control Kaepernick’s rights for seven years and to move on after any of the next six seasons, if they ultimately decide that Kaepernick is more like the guy who struggled at times during the 2013 regular season and less like the guy who found the gas pedal in the playoffs.

If they keep him, the average payout will be low in comparison to other franchise quarterbacks, and the difference will become glaring as other franchise quarterbacks get new deals under a salary cap that is expected to continue to spike.

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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I thought the Cutler contract was pretty team friendly, but the Niner's must have hired Cliff Stein's prodigy son or something.

Can't/don't want to follow the link above...here's the beef of it......

Technically, the deal has $61 million guaranteed, even though $6 million of the guaranteed salary could evaporate (more on that later). Either way, only $13.073 million is guaranteed at signing. It comes in the form of a $12.328 million signing bonus, a base salary of $645,000, and a workout bonus of $100,000.

For 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and part of 2018, the base salaries are guaranteed only for injury. On April 1 of each year, the guarantees convert from injury only to fully guaranteed. That gives the 49ers the ability to decide, in any given year, to move on from Kaepernick. And with the deadline for the conversion of the guarantee coming on April 1, the 49ers can squat on his rights until several weeks after the start of free agency, making it harder for him to get paid elsewhere.

The base salary for 2015 is $12.4 million, guaranteed for injury only until April 1, 2015.

For 2016, the base salary is $13.9 million, guaranteed for injury only until April 1, 2016.

For 2017, the base salary is $16.5 million, guaranteed for injury only until April 1, 2017.

For 2018, the base salary is $17 million, $5.2 million of which is guaranteed for injury only until April 1, 2018.

The non-guaranteed base salary for 2019 is $18.8 million, and the non-guaranteed base salary for 2020 is $21 million.

In each year from 2015 through 2020, however, there’s a catch. A big one. The total payout potentially de-escalates by $2 million per year, with up to $12 million potentially going away.

Kaepernick can halt the de-escalation by taking, in any year of the deal, 80 percent of the snaps and if: (1) the 49ers appear in the Super Bowl; or (2) Kaepernick is named a first-team or second-team All-Pro. If he satisfies the requirement in 2014, the full $12 million remains. If he fails in 2014 but succeeds in 2015, $10 million stays. If he does it for the first time in 2016, $8 million remains. If he does it for the first time in 2017, $6 million stays — and so on until 2019, when if he satisfies the requirement that year for the first time $2 million stays in the deal for 2010.

It’s a convoluted way to pump up the base value of the deal artificially, allowing Kaepernick and his agents to claim that the deal is better than it will be, unless he satisfies the requirements to stop the de-escalator this year.

The contract also includes, starting in 2015, a whopping $2 million per year in per-game roster bonuses, an amount that one source characterized as “massive” in comparison to similar deals. It means that, for every game Kaepernick misses due to injury after the 2014 season, he loses $125,000.

Starting in 2015, $400,000 per year is tied to workout bonuses, which adds up to $2.4 million of the base value.

I retract my earlier statement that this was a good move by the Niner's and make that a great move by the Niner's.

(and I hate the fucking Niner's...so that praise did not come easy)


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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Whatever Josh McCown > Kaepernick and MUCH cheaper !!!!!

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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This is the type contract most players would pass on. It's reliant on performance and staying injury free and protects the Niners in case he should get injured. The contract seems to protect the team more than the player, again the type contract most players would shy away from. Either Kaep has a very bad agent or he's every bit as confident in himself and his abilities as he appears to be.


Get rich, or try dying
Aug 21, 2012
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Charlotte, NC
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  1. Chicago Bears
Just saying Kaepernick has more playoff wins over the Packers than Cutler has total playoff wins.

I heard a rumor that football is a team sport.

