Regular Season Transactions 2013-2014

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I'm totally against sending Pirri down. Such a fucking joke to have Handzus on the 2nd line while the kid has played great with Kane.

Really wish there was an answer given to this from the brass.


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Tony DeFrancesco" data-cid="215941" data-time="1386186237">

It's just one big fat running joke this season.</p>


Lets give these kids 7-10 minutes a night, and when they don't produce, lets send them back to Rockford because <span style="color:#800080;">clearly they are being given an opportunity and can't take advantage of it</span>... with less minutes per night than Bollig.</p>


Meanwhile, lets give 14-15 minutes to Michal Dinosaur Handzus. Just like we did with Andrew Brunette, before him.</p>



Unreal ...</p>


They 20-5-4 I get it they need to play a game tomorrow withTWO natural Centers..</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Zues not traveling with the team either...</p>


CCS Donator
May 17, 2010
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323 row 1 seats 1 and 2
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-time="1386187894" data-cid="215946" data-author="The Canadian Dreamalchuk">

Shaw apparently isnt playing against the Wild due to an injury sustained at the end of the Stars game. That sucks. Good thing they sent Pirri down the morin/nordstrom/versteeg line which we probably see will have the wild on the ropes.</p></blockquote>he got boarded pretty bad , he laid on ice for at least 10-12 sec
brutal non call by the refs


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="215947" data-time="1386192027">

I'm totally against sending Pirri down. Such a fucking joke to have Handzus on the 2nd line while the kid has played great with Kane.

Really wish there was an answer given to this from the brass.</p>


We were.  Q said he did not like Pirri's defensive game.  This team wins dispite coach hash pipe fuck.  SO now he's just fleeced this team of 3 Centers in one day.  Zus, hurt, old, shitty.. Shaw Hurt... Pirri gone..</p>


FUcking assbag.</p>

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="215952" data-time="1386195185">

We were.  Q said he did not like Pirri's defensive game.  This team wins dispite coach hash pipe fuck.  SO now he's just fleeced this team of 3 Centers in one day.  Zus, hurt, old, shitty.. Shaw Hurt... Pirri gone..</p>


FUcking assbag.</p>

yah he is going to love Nordtroms defensive game and lack of offensive output. The swap just makes no sense. Im no pro scout but I think I know who needs more AHL conditioning out of the two players right now and which one needs to grow more with the NHL. This one put Q in a dog house for me even if I am just jumping the gun a little. At this point Pirri has earned more than this.</p>


Pirri does need work on his nhl defensive game..hes not going to get that work in the ahl anymore. Not at this point its NHL development or bust. And the Hawks overall are a good enough team to overcome any kinks in Pirris defensive game as he develops more at the NHL level. Hell they have been doing so with Leddy the last two seasons and hes a god damn blueliner.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Canadian Dreamalchuk" data-cid="215955" data-time="1386196671">

yah he is going to love Nordtroms defensive game and lack of offensive output. The swap just makes no sense. Im no pro scout but I think I know who needs more AHL conditioning out of the two players right now and which one needs to grow more with the NHL. This one put Q in a dog house for me even if I am just jumping the gun a little. At this point Pirri has earned more than this.</p>


Pirri does need work on his nhl defensive game..hes not going to get that work in the ahl anymore. Not at this point its NHL development or bust. And the Hawks overall are a good enough team to overcome any kinks in Pirris defensive game as he develops more at the NHL level. Hell they have been doing so with Leddy the last two seasons and hes a god damn blueliner.</p>


The thing that gets me with this is that is such a fucking easy fix. Just re-balance the damn lines. I don't know why Q has 3 of the best defensive forwards on the same line in the first place. And then he wonders why a line of Pirri, Saad and Kane aren't the best on the defensive end. This is all he has to do.</p>








It's that damn easy. Every single line is defensively sound and the top 3 lines are more than offensively sound. Now you don't have to worry about the defense on Pirri's line, Q can swap wingers to his heart's content pending on the situation, you can swap Bickell with Saad, Sharp with Saad, Hossa with Kane,etc. Or if an injury happens during a game you won't have too big of a glaring hole (unless it's Toews).</p>


I just, fuck, I don't get this move now. I had a bad feeling about Bickell coming back would mean the end for Pirri, but now? Already down two other centers? I don't care if this team won 2 cups or not, it's a fucking horrible move.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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When even the guy who originated that stupid argument says it's bad, it's bad.</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Canadian Dreamalchuk" data-cid="215946" data-time="1386187894">

Shaw apparently isnt playing against the Wild due to an injury sustained at the end of the Stars game. That sucks. Good thing they sent Pirri down the morin/nordstrom/versteeg line which we probably see will have the wild on the ropes.</p>

So, in that scenario, who plays #2C with Zeus gone?  Brookbank or Rosival? :)</p>


Seriously, I agree that these moves are bafling.  Maybe they think that being where we're at now in the season they can fiddle with it and try to fix what wasn't broken.</p>

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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The only reason Q splits up Kane and Toews is so the other team has to be more careful with their d pairing. If Toews and Kane are on the same line, you toss out your best defensive pair. Now you have to decide which pair gets who. Not that Sharp and Hossa are some scrubs, but if I have to chose who me best d pairing gets, Toews and Kane or Hossa and Sharp, those two are out any time Toews and Kane step out.

I didn't think Pirri was that bad defensively, and while I get that Q wants all his players to be "two-way", you've had very good success with Pirri centering Kane, so much so Kaner was 1st star of the month in the NHL.

The old saying goes "If it ain't broke, then don't fix it". The team has played unbelievably well so far this season and even better of late.

I like Q, but I don't get this one.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I don't want to even guess the lines now...

Fuckin Brookbank 2nd line center?


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Jul 24, 2010
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I'd still take my chances with Toews and Kane being able to play against any d-pairing, but if he's worried about that then just swap Saad and Sharp instead of Hossa and Kane. They had that line of Saad-Toews and Kane last season, seemed to work pretty well. It's just no matter how you cut it, it doesn't make sense.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="215966" data-time="1386205700">

The only reason Q splits up Kane and Toews is so the other team has to be more careful with their d pairing. If Toews and Kane are on the same line, you toss out your best defensive pair. Now you have to decide which pair gets who. Not that Sharp and Hossa are some scrubs, but if I have to chose who me best d pairing gets, Toews and Kane or Hossa and Sharp, those two are out any time Toews and Kane step out.

I didn't think Pirri was that bad defensively, and while I get that Q wants all his players to be "two-way", you've had very good success with Pirri centering Kane, so much so Kaner was 1st star of the month in the NHL.

The old saying goes "If it ain't broke, then don't fix it". The team has played unbelievably well so far this season and even better of late.

I like Q, but I don't get this one.</p>



I don't think Kane was the first star due to only Pirri being his Center, that's quite a stretch.</p>


In fact if you asked Kane, he'd say he likes both Pirri and Zus in that role.  For two very opposite reasons, of which I'm not getting into unless he's asked and answers it some day.</p>


That said with no Zus, now no Shaw, there is zero reason to send Pirri down, now once again leaving a hole straight down the middle.</p>


Again there are many times this team wins on Talent, in that having several future HOF players on it.  Pirri was also brutal on FO's yesterday but if that was criteria we'd have zero Centers but Toews. </p>


Or Sharp is back there tomorrow night.  Other than that, I don't see where he's going with this at all.</p>


May 15, 2010
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I don't mind this tinkering. Hawks are in a good spot and it's early enough to experiment what you have in the prospect pool, for possible future deals, injury replacements and overall for going forward. The core can take most of the workload while they figure this out. Do this now and have more knowledge when it's time to finalize the team for a good run.


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
Pirri wasn't really dragging the team down defensively anyway, the guy was a +6... Better than Kane, Kruger, Smith, Bollig, Versteeg, Handzus...</p>


That argument is not valid IMO. Q is talking out of his ass, not to play couch coach here, but I can't imagine that anyone else in the stands sees it his way.</p>


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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Grimson's Sweet Ass
I still think that seven games ago the management looked at Pirri's numbers (17GP 6G 7A 13PTS) and said "shit, he's putting up Calder type numbers, and he's RFA this summer.</p>


Let's put him on a line with Brookbank for the next 7 games, then send him to Rockford!</p>
