So Big Pete, with all of the self righteousness (or liberal correctness) you spew all of the time, I'm curious about how all of the secret projects you claim to have worked on have helped this be a better place to live ? I know its a secret and you can't talk about it. But as an example the intelligence that Colin Powell talked about before G.W. went in to Iraq. The intelligence that people you might know were responsible for passing on to these masterminds(purple) that decided to send our troops into" Harms Way " and cost this country BILLIONS of dollars not to mention the loss of human life on both sides. That is one example, but with the reputation this country has gotten from all of our various meddling in other countries business that we usually end up looking foolish over, I question the the whole process. How can it not be given a big FAIL?
Now I know this is where you like to come back with the Bush bashing. Bash away I did'nt vote for GW or his dad. I'll just say this. From the years of your life that you have served this country (being paid quite nicely for it) you stand up for BHO with a very mighty conviction. I know he did not cause the economic turmoil that this country is going through. after two and a half years of his policies things are getting worse not better. Storefonts and stripmalls sit empty, more and more businesses are going under like I've never before seen. He is running this country into the ground and you seem to be blind to that due to the fact that he is a democrat. Party should'nt matter when performance is an EPIC FAIL!!!
Back on topic, I was driving when I first heard about the terrorist act that could have been Muslim extremists as reported by a liberal leaning radio station I was listening to.