The Devin Hester Discussion Thread


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Aug 21, 2012
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Here's the video you tranny shammies


In summary, he felt like his talent wasn't being utilized correctly the last few years here, which they were not. Atlanta is proving this by having a package of plays for him on the O which happen to work quite well.

He requested not to play WR and for good reason, the team didn't know how to fucking use him properly, so why bust your ass in the off season and training camp for nothing when you can just focus on being a return man.

Somehow that gets spun into, ZOMG he's taking shots at DA BEARZ! HOPE he breaks a stomache bone! Good fucking grief people, get a grip.


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Jun 19, 2011
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Meh. Hester is just happy if he gets to do what he wants and has success doing it. Doesn't seem capable of understanding why he might not be having success or getting playing time. He's just either happy or not.


You wake him up, you keep him up
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Aug 10, 2013
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They gave him his shot. He blew it time and time again by lining up incorrectly, running incorrect routes and blowing timeouts just to get him in the right spot.

He played great against arguably the worst team in the league. Yippee.

He played a real defense last week and had 1 catch for 2 yds.

Now, are we missing his returns? Yes.

Chicago Staleys

Sep 24, 2012
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I don't know man. Man he looks fast on turf man but man he could have been used differently in chicago man. Maybe in Atlanta man he will learn to talk man you know what I mean man?


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Aug 20, 2012
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I was so happy when I heard he broke the record. Sure a little sad that it wasn't in a Bears uniform, but that didn't take away much when I saw the pure joy and happiness in Hester after he scored. This became his meaning in life, and he finally fulfilled it. Then when I started reading my timeline and reading his "diss" at Cutler and the Bears it brought me down, but watching that video of the actual comments puts things into perspective. We all know Hester is rather emotional, has public speaking issues, and isn't very bright. When you add that together you are not going to get the greatest soundbites and even worse when you try to translate that into written words on paper. I don't think he meant to diss the Bears or Cutler, but to reflect on himself and his own failures with the team. It just didn't come out right.

Hester is just a nice simple dude that runs fast, and I'm happy for him and thankful he brought me so much joy as a Bears fan.

Congrats Hester, you are RIDICULOUS!!


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Nov 5, 2012
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Omaha, NE
You know what, Emery isn't to blame. Blame fucking Steltz for the penalty that knocked Hester's 20th return as a Bear off the map. FUCK YOU STELTZ! :p


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Nov 5, 2012
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Omaha, NE
Also, also, I think i lost IQ points listening to that video . . . man . . . you know . . . man?


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Anybody hear him dogging Cutler & the Bears for how he was treated as a WR during that post game NFL Network interview?

Didn't hear the interview. Did he mention how he responded by quitting.


Mod in Training/Fire Forum
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Sep 7, 2014
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Didn't hear the interview. Did he mention how responded by quitting.

I don't understand the question. But then again, i didn't understand the interview. A lot of "man's" and Devin just being Devin i guess.


Dissed membered
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In summary, he felt like his talent wasn't being utilized correctly the last few years here, which they were not. Atlanta is proving this by having a package of plays for him on the O which happen to work quite well.

He requested not to play WR and for good reason, the team didn't know how to fucking use him properly, so why bust your ass in the off season and training camp for nothing when you can just focus on being a return man.

Somehow that gets spun into, ZOMG he's taking shots at DA BEARZ! HOPE he breaks a stomache bone! Good fucking grief people, get a grip.
I don't expect Hester to make 2 out of one plus one but I know you should. Hester had no idea how he'd be used on offense under Trestman. In fact, if most of us knew he should have been used some in the slot and gadgets, I suspect that unlike our previous OCs, Trestman might have as well. Hester just never entertained the notion. He was likely pissed about Lovie, DeCamillas, not starting because Jeffery's ascension was assured and Jay not trusting him (for good reason). He wanted to leave before last year with the Lovie fire, acted like it before camp and you could tell he felt too much pressure with how he was fielding kicks his last 2 here as well.

Congrats to Devin and I hope he extends his record but he was done here, mostly due to himself.

Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Hester had 1 catch for 25 yards last night..I guess he thinks Jerry Rice should be worried. The WR records arent safe


Nov 15, 2013
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INDIANa from Chicago

Check this out! I went to the Falcons board to see what they thought about Hester, and naturally the Bears are Special person because we didn't use him right and Cutler must suck if he had Hester at WR and couldn't do anything with him.
But anyway while I was there I saw what's on that link. I Guess Warren Sapp caught some feelings about the Game because on twitter he posted a picture of the game on his TV and right beside the TV was his Lombardi trophy. He said, "Hey falcons , this is my view of the game!" Then did one of those Hash Tag get ya one #getyaone.
LOL then one of the comments from a falcons fan said ," you should pawn that off to pay your child support"

Bears Backer 54

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Nov 5, 2012
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I was happy to see Devin break the record. I was at a bar down here in Atlanta last night sporting the #23 Bears Hester jersey. Devin seems to have found a second wind with the new team and different scenery so good for him. It is pretty silly to try and compare his performance now or be envious of it saying "he could've done that if we kept him" because our special teams players and coaches are very weak this year. You could see Hester getting frustrated with the unit and the strategies in 2012 and even worse in 2013. We had so many holes in the rest of the roster to fix, that trying to bolster the special teams area had to be a low priority. If we had retained Hester again this year, our blocking and poor special teams would have just frustrated him and likely his performance would've been mediocre. Let's not forget, it was Hester that wanted to only focus on returns here (and with the kickoff being where it is now, that limits is playmaking ability to basically about 20% of kickoff returns that aren't touchbacks and pun returns only). I'll just continue to cheer for the guy except when he plays the Bears!


CCS Donator
Jan 19, 2013
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He clearly called out the coaches and Jay. Well, not clearly. What he says sounds like a mixture of the jive guys from Airplane, pig Latin and Slingblade

This is some bullshit, man.

He mentioned that he has a QB now who "likes all of the receivers, even the walk-ons."

If that's not a shot at Cutler, I don't know what is.

Also ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Is it breaking news that Cutler is, at best, a prickly character? Why do the people on this MB feel so hurt by the truth? Cutler is not that nice and the Bears didn't put Devin in position to succeed. I have it on good authority that Devin also said that Chicago sits on a lake and that the Sun rises in the sky.

Lol @ the Bleeders in here, Walmart is having a sale on Manpons, I'll even clip the coupons for ya.

AMEN. The amount of crying because Devin isn't wearing his Bears underoos... It would be better if he just flat out said, Cutler is a jerk and what kind of offensive genius can't figure out how to get me 5-6 touches in space? I said the same thing last year. Trestman ain't no genius if he can't even use Hester as a decoy on offense.

Didn't hear the interview. Did he mention how he responded by quitting.

See above. Whining about somebody expressing a negative opinion about the Bears.


10 pages of this shit.

Crap on a cracker, the time people invest in silly football players ...


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Let's live in reality here.

- Devin had 1 catch last night. One. Against what is probably the worst team in the NFL. And he had the sweep TD. Sometimes that play works, sometimes it doesn't. It wasn't so much a testament to Devin, but rather the awfulness that is TB. It was a 20 yard run and he was not even touched. That's pathetic on TB.

- He had 1 catch for 2 yards last week against a good Cinci D. One.

- He had two good returns last night. The first wouldn't have happened if not for both a hold and a clip on the same play. Of course the return, which was great and vintage Devin.

- For all of the drama of that great return last night, you know the Falcons will be getting a few fumbles, a couple of misjudged fair catches, a bakers dozen of 'catch ball, run backwards, lose field position' and a nice sampling of 'field kick in end zone, wait 9 seconds, run out, get tackled at the 9'.

- For $3M a year.

It is what it is. Players sometimes do better with a change of scenery (Carson Palmer, Marshall Faulk, etc). The REALITY is that Devin was a shell of his former self over the last 3-4 seasons as a Bear:

- More fumbles than TD returns. 10 fumbles vs. 4 returns over 4 seasons.
- Terrible decision making resulting in a drives starting deep (particularly on fair catches). Hell, he had two goofy looking fair catches last night after the return. With a struggling offense under Lovie/Tice/etc, that was something they just couldn't endure.
- WR - let's face it, Devin was a mess as a WR. Never knowing where to line up. Never knowing where to go. The Bears having to burn time outs as a result. Under Lovie, you could count on a 'Devin Brain Fart' time out and a bad Lovie Challenge time out - giving the Bears one for the half. Again, he had 1 catch last night. He had 1 catch for 2 yards against a good Cinci D. You saw Devin's lack of WR acumen on the deep ball. He slowed up his route looking for the ball. A good WR keeps running and catches that for a TD. We saw that many times with Devin.
- Returner - let us not forget that Devin was actually benched as a return man. Benched. For bad decisions and fumbles.

Happy to see him get the record (even though he already got it against MN because the record was re-writted for Deion). Disappointed in the unnecessary breaking bad on the Bears - a team that paid him - a return man - as a #1 WR.

The Bears had tremendous holes to fill on offense (line in particular) in the 2012 off season. They had the same on the defensive side of the ball this offseason. They simply could not afford the luxury of spending $3M on a return specialist who will be 32 in a few weeks and would effectively touch the ball 4-6 times a game. That man was (and is) better spent elsewhere. Every team has to make these sort of decisions every year - big salary v. return on investment v. age.


Doors that go like this.
Sep 11, 2013
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Is it breaking news that Cutler is, at best, a prickly character? Why do the people on this MB feel so hurt by the truth? Cutler is not that nice and the Bears didn't put Devin in position to succeed. I have it on good authority that Devin also said that Chicago sits on a lake and that the Sun rises in the sky.

AMEN. The amount of crying because Devin isn't wearing his Bears underoos... It would be better if he just flat out said, Cutler is a jerk and what kind of offensive genius can't figure out how to get me 5-6 touches in space? I said the same thing last year. Trestman ain't no genius if he can't even use Hester as a decoy on offense.

See above. Whining about somebody expressing a negative opinion about the Bears.

Is 'hurt' the right word?

No, we are just acknowledging that it was a douchey move to call out not only Cutler, but the coaching staff, of a team that paid a return specialist (and terrible WR) as a #1 WR.

Ironically enough, the coaches that he shit on for those '3-4 years in Chicago' are 1) presently one his coaches (Tice), 2) his surrogate daddy (Lovie) and 3) the guy regarded as the best ST coordinator in the game (Toub).


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Quote Originally Posted by Bearly View Post
Didn't hear the interview. Did he mention how he responded by quitting.

See above. Whining about somebody expressing a negative opinion about the Bears.[/QUOTE]

Whining? Who can't handle facts now? He threatened to not return last year and agreed to with the stipulation of no more wr. He quit before he discussed or knew how he'd be used. The team and Hester put a positive spin on it and Hester claimed to be re-energized and extremely happy in just being a kick returner but that was last year. Apparently his memory is a bit off as well. “I love it, man,” Hester said after practice.

After Lovie Smith was fired, Hester was in tears talking to reporters as he cleaned out his locker. He mentioned retirement -- "I don't even know if I want to play again," Hester said. "That's been something on my mind for two years." He later told the Chicago Tribune he needed a "fresh start."

"I'd rather do my contract after the season is over, because the way I'm feeling now, I could boost my stock a whole lot from where it's at now. I'm not really paying attention to the contract. I'd rather have mine after the season, because what I'm planning on doing this year is going to help me out." (elsewhere)

"I wanted to earn a position in the league. But I'm here today to say I am a kickoff and punt returner, but at the same time, I'm the best that ever do it."

Now these quotes can always be questioned because the translator may have been broken on any given day but I suspect they've got the gist of it.

I'm genuinely happy for the guy but don't expect us to eat his sour grapes as well.
