The Fat Guy Thread

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I'm one of those people who knows what I need to do, just way to fucking lazy and full of excuses. I hover between 240-250. Would love to get back to 190 again. Unfortunately, I'm Pepsi's *****.

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Aug 25, 2012
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Rowing machine... Duh

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Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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I'm one of those people who knows what I need to do, just way to fucking lazy and full of excuses. I hover between 240-250. Would love to get back to 190 again. Unfortunately, I'm Pepsi's *****.

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Replace that Pepsi with water and/or urine and you'll be on your way. How tall are you, fat ****?

Spunky Porkstacker

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Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
Jogging is bad for you. Don't do it. For all fat fucks who are also cheapskates, I have the world's cheapest diet for you. Eat nothing and drink nothing but your own urine until you lose all the weight desired.

How much weight have you lost following the SPARTANS DRINK YOUR PISS WEIGHT LOSS PLAN ?
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Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Replace that Pepsi with water and/or urine and you'll be on your way. How tall are you, fat ****?

Lmao, resorting to name calling in a somewhat serious thread? Real mature. Don't you have some kittens to kick or anti-vax picketing to be done?

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Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Lmao, resorting to name calling in a somewhat serious thread? Real mature. Don't you have some kittens to kick or anti-vax picketing to be done?

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Don't be so damn sensitive. Soda is the worst thing for you. I've gone through my health kick times and times of not worrying at all about it (this more than the former) but have always stayed clear of soda. I have 4 kids aged 14, 12, 10 and 9. Not one of them can tell you what Pepsi tastes like cause they've never had soda in their lives.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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Don't be so damn sensitive. Soda is the worst thing for you. I've gone through my health kick times and times of not worrying at all about it (this more than the former) but have always stayed clear of soda. I have 4 kids aged 14, 12, 10 and 9. Not one of them can tell you what Pepsi tastes like cause they've never had soda in their lives.

Coming from you, I never know what's serious or not. I'm 5'11.

I played hockey all to college, so I could easily eat and drink whatever I wanted and not worry about weight gain. Once I stopped and went to one night a week rec league, I didn't change my habits and started to balloon up.

Recently, I've got back the soda and have drank more water, but I need to lower my soda intake more.

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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Kale and carrots during the week, whatever you want on the weekend, and don't drink pop -- you're not 10 years old!

CRM 114

Premium Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Don't be so damn sensitive. Soda is the worst thing for you. I've gone through my health kick times and times of not worrying at all about it (this more than the former) but have always stayed clear of soda. I have 4 kids aged 14, 12, 10 and 9. Not one of them can tell you what Pepsi tastes like cause they've never had soda in their lives.

It's Trev. Enough said.

As for soda, yeah it's terrible for you. I enjoy one from time to time but I never have understood why someone needs to have one with every single meal. Soda is not an everyday thing to me. Kudos for keeping your kids off of it for that long.

Same thing with coffee. Why someone needs that crap every morning is beyond me


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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And if you don't like it, neither should anyone else, right? Notwithstanding its reported benefits because CAFFEINE!

Nutritional breakdown of coffee
Calorie count

Regular black coffee (without milk or cream) has a very low calorie count. A typical cup of black coffee only contains around 2 calories.

However, if you add sugar and milk, the calorie count can shoot up.

A splash of coffee

Coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the U.S., according to researchers at the University of Scranton.

Joe Vinson, Ph.D., lead author of the study, said that "Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close."2

The authors of the study emphasize moderation, stating that only one or two cups a day appear to be beneficial.

Caffeinated and decaffeinated versions provided nearly the same levels of antioxidants.

Health benefits of coffee
The potential health benefits associated with drinking coffee include: protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, liver cancer, and promoting a healthy heart.3

Coffee may protect against type 2 diabetes

Coffee may be protective against type 2 diabetes. Researchers at UCLA identified that drinking coffee increases plasma levels of the protein sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG controls the biological activity of the body's sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) which play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.4

Dr. Simin Liu, one of the authors of the study, said that an "inverse association" exists between coffee consumption and risk for type 2 diabetes.

Increased coffee consumption may reduce risk of type 2 diabetes - the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers gathered data from three studies. In these studies, the diets of the participants were evaluated using questionnaires every 4 years, with participants who reported having type 2 diabetes filling out additional questionnaires. In total, 7,269 study participants had type 2 diabetes.

The researchers found that the participants who increased their coffee intake by more than one cup a day (on average, an increase of 1.69 cups per day) over a 4-year period had an 11% lower type 2 diabetes risk over the subsequent 4 years, compared with people who did not change their intake.

Coffee may help prevent Parkinson's disease

Researchers in the U.S. carried out a study that assessed the link between coffee consumption and Parkinson's disease risk. The authors of the study concluded that "higher coffee and caffeine intake is associated with a significantly lower incidence of Parkinson's disease".5

In addition, caffeine in coffee may help control movement in people suffering from Parkinson's, according to a study conducted at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC) that was published in the journal Neurology.6

Coffee may lower the risk of liver cancer

Italian researchers found that coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by about 40%. In addition, some of the results suggest that if you drink three cups a day, the risks are reduced by more than 50%.7

The lead author of the study, Dr. Carlo La Vecchia, from Milan's Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, said "our research confirms past claims that coffee is good for your health and particularly the liver."

Coffee may help prevent liver disease

Regular consumption of coffee is linked to a reduced risk of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a rare autoimmune disease of the bile ducts in the liver.8

In addition, coffee consumption can lower the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver for alcohol drinkers by 22%, according to a study at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, California, USA.

The authors of the study concluded that the results "support the hypothesis that there is an ingredient in coffee that protects against cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis."9

Research published in the journal Hepatology in April 2014, suggests that drinking coffee is linked to a decreased liver cirrhosis death risk. The researchers suggest that drinking two or more cups of coffee every day can reduce the risk of death from liver cirrhosis by 66%.16

A study published in the journal Hepatology indicates that drinking decaf coffee also lowers liver enzyme levels, suggesting the benefits are not linked to caffeine content.

Coffee may be good for the heart

Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard School of Public Health, concluded that drinking coffee in moderation protects against heart failure. They defined 'in moderation' as 2 European cups (equivalent to two 8-ounce American servings) per day.10

People who drank four European cups on a daily basis had an 11% lower risk of heart failure, compared to those who did not.

The authors stressed that their results "did show a possible benefit, but like with so many other things we consume, it really depends on how much coffee you drink."

Recent developments on the benefits of coffee from MNT news
Tinnitus less common in women who drink more coffee. A new study in The American Journal of Medicine finds that women who consume more caffeine are less likely to have tinnitus.
Study links coffee intake with reduced risk of endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs in the US, affecting around 1 in 37 women in their lifetime. But in a new study, researchers found that drinking three to four cups of coffee a day could reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by almost a fifth.
Drinking up to five cups of coffee a day may benefit the arteries. A new study has suggested drinking three to five cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks.
Coffee linked to reduced risk of erectile dysfunction. Drinking two to three cups of coffee every day could lower a man's risk of erectile dysfunction. This is according to a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I've been a lean/skinny ****** my entire life (combo genetics/diet/exercise), and I read through this thread only to feel better about myself. thanks!

Sounds like you have yet to clear 30
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Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Coming from you, I never know what's serious or not. I'm 5'11.

I played hockey all to college, so I could easily eat and drink whatever I wanted and not worry about weight gain. Once I stopped and went to one night a week rec league, I didn't change my habits and started to balloon up.

Recently, I've got back the soda and have drank more water, but I need to lower my soda intake more.

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Of course, the more active you are the less you need to worry. Skating is a full body workout. Find another such activity or exercise and if you drink just water, it not only allows you to get all your calories from just food but water is good for weight loss since it elevates your metabolism. You make little changes like that and you'll see the first 20 or 30 pounds you're looking to lose come off rather easily.

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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I'm not going to even waste my time, Tribar.

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Avoid the fab five. Pasta Bread Potato Rice and anything deep fried. Swap plain tea for soda. Jog or walk aggressively two miles 3/4 times a week. It's easy and works. At least it did for years. Since I retired I've gotten lazy and put on weight. I'm about 220 at 76 inches. Feel a lot better around 200. I need to get back on my own rules.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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I've been a lean/skinny ****** my entire life (combo genetics/diet/exercise), and I read through this thread only to feel better about myself. thanks!
Me too. When I realized strength is way more essential than a certain build, I just realized my belly was my enemy and took it to task. I will never probably be able to clobber a dickhead outright, I can lift a keg into a truck and out again. Functional strength.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm 5'11, hover between 187-195, but I went in for one of those free health checkups at work sponsored by whomever the ****. They told me I was borderline obese. That's when I concluded I was being hassled by the man and foreswore any future work health checks and BMI
I could squat u.
