Theoretical Off Season Changes If We Had A Real GM


May 15, 2010
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Oduya showed his true colors in the playoffs, though. He was the one the Jets fans warned about.

I am not usually a proponent that the Hawks need to hit more, but I am starting to think that they do need to get more physical. As it is now they seemed to get too easily distracted by teams playing a hard checking game, not that distracted to take them out of the game completely, but just enough to get them off slightly so that edge in the beginning of games gets slightly dulled.


May 15, 2010
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This season's Crawford for sure. Next season's Crawford? Time will tell.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
Oduya was needed - and helped the Hawks down the stretch make the playoffs (went 12-2-4 after getting him)

So Oduya was a better pick-up for a 2nd and 3rd than Vermette for a 2nd and a 5th and a hack goaltender?

Oduya was absolutely shit in the series making Nick Leddy look like a Norris Trophy candidate. Sorry, I'm wrong to knock Leddy even though he was absolutely clueless on the 2nd goal tonight.

But hey, Oduya was 5th in TOI for Winnipeg Dmen when the Hawks acquired him but since Stan made the deal, he must be good.

When it comes to Stanbo's acquistions, I have one response for you- Fernado Pisani.


New member
May 17, 2010
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Leddy for Barker

Stalberg has been good

Hayes was traded for

Draft...Shaw, Saad...a decent pipeline

And if you don't know/understand why they had to sign a bunch of 500K players after the cup year, not sure what to tell you

Hawks needed a Dman more than a forward at the deadline. If you weren't watching...Hjarlmarsson, Montador were both out. Lepisto also got hurt. Not sure if a D group of Keith, Seabrook, Leddy, O'Donnell, Olsen...and...???? would have gotten to the playoffs, but I have one response for you...Andrew Shaw (Stan made the pick, so he must suck too)


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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Grimson's Sweet Ass
Vermette would have been nice though.


New member
May 17, 2010
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Do you know for a fact that CLB offered that to CHI? That they were willing to trade him to the Hawks for the same? Because Dallas wanted more for Grossman to trade interconference than what they got for him from Philly?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
Leddy(And Kim Johnsson and his concussed history and 3million cap hit that cost Andrew Ladd) for Barker

Stalberg has been good when playing against Columbus but pretty much sucked in the playoffs

Hayes was traded for

Draft...Shaw, Saad...a decent pipeline

And if you don't know/understand why they had to sign a bunch of 500K players after the cup year, not sure what to tell you

Hawks needed a Dman more than a forward at the deadline. If you weren't watching...Hjarlmarsson, Montador were both out. Lepisto also got hurt. Not sure if a D group of Keith, Seabrook, Leddy, O'Donnell, Olsen...and...???? would have gotten to the playoffs, but I have one response for you...Andrew Shaw (Stan made the pick, so he must suck too)

Edited above.

Shaw was a great pick. But most of Juniors signings were marginal. Does he really know how to build a SC contender? We will disagree.

I'm trying to be a better IHN poster. And it's hard, especially given tonights outcome. But I respect, but don't agree with your observations... especially concerning Nick Leddy. At least you have opinions.

But then again...Fuck Off


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May 16, 2010
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Southside, Chicago
Leddy for Barker

Stalberg has been good

Hayes was traded for

Draft...Shaw, Saad...a decent pipeline

And if you don't know/understand why they had to sign a bunch of 500K players after the cup year, not sure what to tell you

Hawks needed a Dman more than a forward at the deadline. If you weren't watching...Hjarlmarsson, Montador were both out. Lepisto also got hurt. Not sure if a D group of Keith, Seabrook, Leddy, O'Donnell, Olsen...and...???? would have gotten to the playoffs, but I have one response for you...Andrew Shaw (Stan made the pick, so he must suck too)

Still want Stalberg gone. He doesn't do the little things and was exposed badly in this series (not talking about game 5 penalties, those things just happen.) I understand the twenty two goals, awesome....but everyone in the world knows goal scoring isn't our problem. Not to mention there are other players available who could pot 20 goals playing on the top two lines here. Shit, 8 of his goals came against Columbus. I just don't see how this team needs a type of player like him to be surrounding the core.

To me his positives are:


Good Shot

Potential to improve

Cons are:

Doesn't understand (or at least execute) the little things

ZERO PP productivity



Little backchecking

Now I say I'd like to see him go because I feel there are players better suited to fit his role on the top two lines. His cons are NOT what we need skating with Kane, Toews, Sharp and Hossa. We need players who are tough, sound defensively, opens up the ice with hits, can simply get the puck in deep, with the talent to keep up with our big 4......basically look back to 2010 and see who surrounded the core now. The forwards had little in common with #25 and to me THATS the biggest reason we haven't even made it out of round one, the surrounding forwards.

So overall, no vendetta against Stalberg, he may be much better somewhere else. But to me, right now his role on this team is painfully unnecessary.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
Do you know for a fact that CLB offered that to CHI? That they were willing to trade him to the Hawks for the same? Because Dallas wanted more for Grossman to trade interconference than what they got for him from Philly?

For a fact? No.

I know for an opinion that Vermette was much more productive in this series than Oduya- at a lesser cost. Do you believe that the Hawks still have a hole to fill at 2nd line center?

Another opinion-a 2nd pairing dman is easier to acquire than an 2nd line center.

Maloney beat Bowman in that acquisition(Opinion).

mikita's helmet

CCS Donator
Dec 10, 2014
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Anacortes, WA via Glenview, IL
So overall, no vendetta against Stalberg, he may be much better somewhere else. But to me, right now his role on this team is painfully unnecessary.

What was his salary? 875K or something like that? When's his contract up? If we have him cheap next year, he's not going anywhere. I'm sure plenty of teams wanted him at the trade deadline.


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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Grimson's Sweet Ass
Still want Stalberg gone. He doesn't do the little things and was exposed badly in this series (not talking about game 5 penalties, those things just happen.) I understand the twenty two goals, awesome....but everyone in the world knows goal scoring isn't our problem. Not to mention there are other players available who could pot 20 goals playing on the top two lines here. Shit, 8 of his goals came against Columbus. I just don't see how this team needs a type of player like him to be surrounding the core.

To me his positives are:


Good Shot

Potential to improve

Cons are:

Doesn't understand (or at least execute) the little things

ZERO PP productivity



Little backchecking

Now I say I'd like to see him go because I feel there are players better suited to fit his role on the top two lines. His cons are NOT what we need skating with Kane, Toews, Sharp and Hossa. We need players who are tough, sound defensively, opens up the ice with hits, can simply get the puck in deep, with the talent to keep up with our big 4......basically look back to 2010 and see who surrounded the core now. The forwards had little in common with #25 and to me THATS the biggest reason we haven't even made it out of round one, the surrounding forwards.

So overall, no vendetta against Stalberg, he may be much better somewhere else. But to me, right now his role on this team is painfully unnecessary.

you can't give him shit for no PP productivity. Has he ever been played on the PP?

and you say scoring isn't our problem, but it sure was in this series.


CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Uptown baby!
What was his salary? 875K or something like that? When's his contract up? If we have him cheap next year, he's not going anywhere. I'm sure plenty of teams wanted him at the trade deadline.

$875K cap hit this season and next. Can't see any fucking scenario where a team is gonna let a 43 pt scorer who's likely one of the 3 fastest skaters in the entire League, who proved he can be juggled up and down the lines, who only cost $875K go. On a team who's Special Teams are tantamount to "A Clusterfuck On Ice" show where they could barely score with the advantage they're going to consider getting rid of someone who costs nothing and scored at just over a .500 PPG pace and earned ALL his points at ES? No. Fucking. Way.


Fire Quenneville
Oct 31, 2014
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Kitchen, Q, Crawford, Hammer. The order in which guys need to be shipped out. If you can move Hammer and sign Suter, you do that in a fucking heartbeat. If you can send Crawford somewhere to be an expensive backup, you do it, and get a real NHL goalie. After that, you need to look for a center, and LW. Roster holes aside, this team is WAY better than Phoenix, talent wise. The difference was coaching and goaltending.

mikita's helmet

CCS Donator
Dec 10, 2014
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Anacortes, WA via Glenview, IL
$875K cap hit this season and next. Can't see any fucking scenario where a team is gonna let a 43 pt scorer who's likely one of the 3 fastest skaters in the entire League, who proved he can be juggled up and down the lines, who only cost $875K go. On a team who's Special Teams are tantamount to "A Clusterfuck On Ice" show where they could barely score with the advantage they're going to consider getting rid of someone who costs nothing and scored at just over a .500 PPG pace and earned ALL his points at ES? No. Fucking. Way.

What I wanted to say. But what else is new?

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Agree Books.

Stalbergs not going anywhere. Stalberg was not a serious issue this series. No more than any of the other forwards not scoring with the 3 plus mill contracts. Stalberg was a steal this season and got better as the season moved on. Stronger along the boards, stronger passing, stronger forecheck, stronger turns on his stride.

He made a few Yotes defenders look like fools on a lot of his shifts. There was just no support or rebound support as the Yotes did great in collapsing infront of Smith..and Smith...well Smith just had a series any goalkeeper would pray for.

His only real bad game was game 5 with the 4 double minors..thank god the Hawks pulled through those though.

Ill be pissed if Stalberg is anywhere but in a Hawks jersey next year.

Brunnette was the biggest waste of space all year and into the playoffs as far as our forwards go. Hands down the worst.

the canadian dream

New member
May 15, 2010
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If you can move Hammer and sign Suter, you do that in a fucking heartbeat.

Care to state the obvious?

Not all an impossible scenerio. Preds don't want the Hawks getting him obviously and they sure the hell probably don't want Detroit getting him either (which will be rumoured in the off season).

It's a pipe dream but it has possibilities.


Chief Blackcock
Jul 17, 2010
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Grimson's Sweet Ass
If you can send Crawford somewhere to be an expensive backup, you do it, and get a real NHL goalie. After that, you need to look for a center, and LW. Roster holes aside, this team is WAY better than Phoenix, talent wise. The difference was coaching and goaltending.

maybe we can send Crawford to Ottawa for Anderson! Boy I bet the team that drafted him feels foolish for not giving him a shot and sticking with him!


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Not far from 127th and Archer
$875K cap hit this season and next. Can't see any fucking scenario where a team is gonna let a 43 pt scorer who's likely one of the 3 fastest skaters in the entire League, who proved he can be juggled up and down the lines, who only cost $875K go. On a team who's Special Teams are tantamount to "A Clusterfuck On Ice" show where they could barely score with the advantage they're going to consider getting rid of someone who costs nothing and scored at just over a .500 PPG pace and earned ALL his points at ES? No. Fucking. Way.

A player that has 1 goal in 13 playoff games? A player that took dumb penalties like a fucking idiot in game #5 in this series? Who would want him? Answer-Columbus since that's the team he get's about 50% of his production against.

Sorry. A stiff like this this gets traded if he returns value.
