No one is talking about it because consoles have killed PC gaming. Sure you still have your hard core guys and your LAN party nerds but no casual gamer uses their PC anymore. At the end of the day it's too expensive. Sure the games itself are actually a little cheaper but constantly upgrading your computer to work got old, and then constantly fighting with drivers was even worse. If there was a port onto consoles we'd be talking about it, but the way the game is set up it's pretty impossible on a console, which is fine, and it's going to be a great game, just don't expect it to be genre exploding. It will still sell well because it's the one game that every PC gamer will have to have, then they'll trumpet it because it's a PC only game and it's what the nerd fanboys will do but at the end of the day as good as it is their will always be other games just as good that won't limit to PC gamers.
Add you to the long list of people who have said PC gaming is dead since like 2000. PC gaming will never be dead, there will always be enough enthusiasts to keep games getting released to PC. i.e. if PC gaming was dead i would have bought more than 5 games for my PS3 over the course of its life, 3 of which were NHL installments. and there are still plenty PC exclusives.
add to that, I havent "needed" to upgrade my PC in going on 4 years. ( I did get ONE video card upgrade, but that was personal choice, I didnt need it). The only reason you would consistently need to upgrade your PC ever 1-2 years is if you needed the latest cutting edge graphics set to ridiculous with every game you play. New PC games now, are pushing better graphics than the as of yet unreleased next gen consoles can even dream of and they arent even out yet. Unlike consoles PC players can adjust their graphics, if a PC gamer is fine with Console level graphics, they can easily get the life of a console out of their rig.
"constantly upgrading" your PC is a fallacy. You only have to constantly upgrade if you constantly want to be on the very cutting edge. Whereas console gamers simply have no option. As I said, I recently upgraded my video card in like January. after about 4 years of hassle free gaming on my current system and I still have no need to upgrade anything else.
and you who had so many issues with New vegas, while i never had so much as a crash on the PC version? Consoles are becoming subject just as much as PC gamers to the "quirks" of PC gaming because they are essentially trying to turn consoles into PC's with a hardware standard.
For the record, i built my current rig for the price of a launch day ps3 or 360.
Theres plenty of PC gamers on this forum. Bubble, Supra, me, Dante, I think Kotl, CLwolf obviously since he was looking forward to diablo. and this is a hockey forum and look at the amount of pc gamers. COmpare that to the other gamers in this thread who dont pc game, and just those posters I mentioned make of a big chunk of the people that post in this thread.