Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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Infinite and Last of Us are top of my list. I want to play both. I agree that for Bioshock I think you have to be more familiar with the game to fully enjoy it even with different developers for the different games. Last of us I'm not sure obviously as I haven't played it but I've seen your thoughts echoed throughout. Everyone says it's the must play for any gamer. Sexy Rexy seemed to have blown his shit over it too. I can't wait till the price drops Infinite probably before the other... if you would just stop buying things digital I'd come over and borrow them! haha.</p>


I'm the same way about old games, I love them, but when I play them again it seems I loved them more when they originally came out and now all I see is the flaws. As a PS+ member they like to throw a lot of games out there that I fucking loved and I download them thinking I'm going to love them again and most of the time I don't even get around to playing them. Bad Dudes wasn't the same, Altered Beast I wizzed through, I have 3 sonic games I haven't touched, Castlevania I still want to roll up the sleeves. But with so many new options going back I just can't bring myself to enjoy. I break them out and love them until I find something frustrating about it and then give up. I still do really prefer new games that are built retro though. Simple controls, graphics, nostalgia feel, but much better updated interface.</p>


As for Super Dodgeball.Bring it on mother ******.... That game was my jam...</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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HA! Seriously man! I SHOULD buy disks... My problem is that I usually get them on a whim coupled with a rat to a feeder bar. But honestly, for these, disk is a good idea, although come next generation, I will only have PS4, at least to start. Oh wait, you are Sony fanboi, so there you go!</p>


Last of Us > Bioshock if there needed to be a choice. But both are worthy of the time and cash.</p>


While the story is quite good for Bioshock, the gameplay does have some of that... FPS with a story formula: Cut scene, clues, hunt for treats, arena, cut scene, clues, hunt of treats, arena. But the story more than makes up for that. But if you enjoyed the other bioshock story-telling, this one certainly builds upon it.</p>


And I was able to build a VERY ME Vanguard-type build in Bioshock, which is my goal in ANY game I now play, so THAT works!</p>


Castlevania does hold up a bit, at least for me, but it wasnt my favorite when it was new and great. Any of the side-scrollers like Marios and Sonic hold up for me too, although I cant say playing them is common.</p>


Bad Dudes... Quite possibly the worst game ever that I spent quarters on. When my and a buddy played that again 15 years later we could do nothing but laugh at our own childhood gaming stupidity. Altered Beast, kind of the same boat... So BORING! But there are some games that really did stand the test of time, they just are a bit far and few between.</p>


Super Dodge Ball?! Bring it. Date, place, time, and I will BRING FORTH THE PAIN!</p>


Used to love that game, NES and arcade. It is too bad, there was a Japan indie remake of this for Xbox, but alas not here. Not sure for PSN, but I assume no.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Whoa whoa whooooa... I'm not sure that I'm a PSN fanboi, I like Playstation, and I was seriously considering switching for next gen because of all my friends on Xbox, but I think I'm more anti xbox fanboi than actual xbox. They have just screwed the whole thing up so bad that it doesn't give me confidence that they will get the system right. So I'm going to stick to PS4... someday, when the price drops a little.</p>


I'm not saying bioshock is better so I'll get that first, I'm saying that the price drop for Bioshock will be first so i'll get it then play it till the price drop for last of me hits.</p>

All the old games I previously mentioned.... I'm just glad the were free. As for super dodge ball... I don't now if I even remember how to play it, but I didn't have an NES my buddy did and we played Super Dodgeball and Sideout non-stop.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Count, I know you got it digitally but maybe you know. I was thinking maybe I could speed up the Last of Us buying by getting it used. The probably with that is that it never has the codes or anything that comes with it. Do you know if this game comes with anything or you need any of the codes or extra stuff? It's so rare that games don't these days, but at the same time it's rare that it's ever any good.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="207131" data-time="1374776317">

Whoa whoa whooooa... I'm not sure that I'm a PSN fanboi, I like Playstation, and I was seriously considering switching for next gen because of all my friends on Xbox, but I think I'm more anti xbox fanboi than actual xbox. They have just screwed the whole thing up so bad that it doesn't give me confidence that they will get the system right. So I'm going to stick to PS4... someday, when the price drops a little.</p>


I'm not saying bioshock is better so I'll get that first, I'm saying that the price drop for Bioshock will be first so i'll get it then play it till the price drop for last of me hits.</p>

All the old games I previously mentioned.... I'm just glad the were free. As for super dodge ball... I don't now if I even remember how to play it, but I didn't have an NES my buddy did and we played Super Dodgeball and Sideout non-stop.</p>


Come to the darkside.....</p>






We have cookies.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Tater" data-cid="207143" data-time="1374777850">

Come to the darkside.....</p>






We have cookies.</p>

Yeah but it's so hard for you to share them... HIIIIYOOO</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
That is the best feature of both consoles. All games will be digitally available day of release. **** discs. Installing games and shit and getting up to switch discs. **** all that. Hell my next PC wont even have a disc drive in it</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="207155" data-time="1374780541">

That is the best feature of both consoles. All games will be digitally available day of release. **** discs. Installing games and shit and getting up to switch discs. **** all that. Hell my next PC wont even have a disc drive in it</p>

**** digital downloads. games are going to be 100 gig soon... that's like 4 games per HD... they are outpacing hardware and the internet speeds. Who cares about getting up to switch discs if you have to watch 3 days to download a fucking game.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="207141" data-time="1374777245">

Count, I know you got it digitally but maybe you know. I was thinking maybe I could speed up the Last of Us buying by getting it used. The probably with that is that it never has the codes or anything that comes with it. Do you know if this game comes with anything or you need any of the codes or extra stuff? It's so rare that games don't these days, but at the same time it's rare that it's ever any good.</p>


I really dont think there are any codes of any kind. I mean, there is usually one you need for online play, but that is not important at all. I do remember there is no DLC and for this game, I dont want any of any kind. No bonus items, no additional story, just leave it alone. I *think* you are all set with just media. But you still may need to wait, I see a used copy for 54$ vice 60$... WHOO SAVINGS!</p>


Oh for sure Bioshock will drop in price before Last of Us. In fact, I think it already has? I could be wrong but I think I bought for 40$.</p>

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Tater" data-cid="207143" data-time="1374777850">

Come to the darkside.....</p>






We have cookies.</p>


I have been on both sides and it is once again time for me to rid Microsoft from all facets of my life. I keep a dual boot on the home puter and that is enough. PS4 has been ordered. Xbox has not. But knowing me, I may eventually own both, but the reason I have both now is going away so...</p>

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="207155" data-time="1374780541">

That is the best feature of both consoles. All games will be digitally available day of release. **** discs. Installing games and shit and getting up to switch discs. **** all that. Hell my next PC wont even have a disc drive in it</p>


There is a great freedom without the discs. Since you PC, even MORE for you. I like it because I can get it on a whim. Start a download, watch a movie, game is ready. But with other PS4-ers, I would do disk to be able to share. Beats just having this download that I will never use again. I dont trade in games when I am done with them either so other might as well benefit.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="207157" data-time="1374781123">

Not major news and I really dont care and am already sick and tired of the indie game crazy on PC but posting cuz it is news</p>



If they want to get them there, awesome.</p>


I dont usually get into the indie games but</p>


One Finger Death Punch?! Kinda fun...not gonna lie..</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah, I saw there is no real used game savings yet, need to wait for the actual first drop, then all hell will break loose I give it less than a month. hah.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="207159" data-time="1374781174">

**** digital downloads. games are going to be 100 gig soon... that's like 4 games per HD... they are outpacing hardware and the internet speeds. Who cares about getting up to switch discs if you have to watch 3 days to download a fucking game.</p>


**** discs, disc fanboi :p. Digital DL is where it is at. Not my fault your pipe sucks donkey balls.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="207176" data-time="1374789267">

**** discs, disc fanboi :icon-razz:. Digital DL is where it is at. Not my fault your pipe sucks donkey balls.</p>

It's not just the pipes it's the other side too if everyone is downloading. There is a reason why they are half as fast on Tuesdays... Then once you have them on your machine what? You can't do anythign with them. Discs you sell... Discs you take out. Digital... what are you going to do delete it to make space for more? ohh by the way, with digital you still have the massive updates right after you download it. So you spend 2 days downloading something boot it up and have to wait another hour or 2 for the update. **** digital. I want to have what I own. :)</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="207179" data-time="1374789904">

It's not just the pipes it's the other side too if everyone is downloading. There is a reason why they are half as fast on Tuesdays... Then once you have them on your machine what? You can't do anythign with them. Discs you sell... Discs you take out. Digital... what are you going to do delete it to make space for more? ohh by the way, with digital you still have the massive updates right after you download it. So you spend 2 days downloading something boot it up and have to wait another hour or 2 for the update. **** digital. I want to have what I own. :icon-smile:</p>


Bolded are Console problems</p>


So what you are saying consoles suck donkey balls? Steam is awesome. They just need to make Steam for consoles and be done with it. They all try to emulate it and do a horrible job of it.</p>


As for selling it. Sure there are some games I wish I could sell that I have on Steam however I'd rather not be able to sell them to not **** with discs anymore. You ever scratch a digital download? I haven't</p>


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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Isn't Valve coming out with a Steam console or something? Sounds bad.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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From a downloading games standpoint, I personally havent seen any issues and is pretty quick. I do have a monster pipe into the pad though...</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="207186" data-time="1374803333">

From a downloading games standpoint, I personally havent seen any issues and is pretty quick. I do have a monster pipe into the pad though...</p>


It is slow on the Xbox servers for me but I just figure their servers suck balls. PC I get my 2.5 MB/s off steam regularly</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I have never once ever had a scratched or unplayable game. I don't know what people do to discs that they ruin in, I've never had a problem. Keep it in the machine or in the box. Problem solved....</p>


Anywho... I have no idea how good it is going to be, but so far for me 2k games has been knocking the PR for XCOM Declassified out of the park</p>



I think that's dominic monihan too. And the other guy looks familiar but I can't place him. all 4 vids are great and they are ramping them up with new ones toward launch. It's intriguing in an XCOM meets ME</p>
