J Freeman is better than Luke Kuechley


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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The data is so crap you paid 3 grand for it.

Cool story bro!

Cooler story. You don't know my finances, why I have/had the membership, what the data is used for.

And you apparently like being on my dick.

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
Cooler story. You don't know my finances, why I have/had the membership, what the data is used for.

And you apparently like being on my dick.

Well, shit, as an outsider with no horse in this argument; could I ask if it's work-related or something? Feel free to tell me to fuck off. Now I'm just curious after having read the thread.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Well, shit, as an outsider with no horse in this argument; could I ask if it's work-related or something? Feel free to tell me to fuck off. Now I'm just curious after having read the thread.

Not work related.

This all stems from Remy trying to defend Amos by tying some weird ass opinion to a PFF stat that he actually didn't have access to see. When I called him out, he tried to spin. Which is what he does whenever he's called out for his bullshit. Spin, deflect, refuse to answer direct questions.... FT and I repeatedly asked him to answer the question and instead of answering, he deflected to this narrative that I paid for data that is crap.

And yes, I pay for PFF. And yes, the data is crap.

When I called him out, it was exposed he couldn't back up his (fucking Special person) argument with actual data - which I had and knew he was wrong on.

So now, he's living on my dick because, like many others, I exposed him.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Cooler story. You don't know my finances, why I have/had the membership, what the data is used for.

And you apparently like being on my dick.

You sure like talking about dicks. Seems like you are projection a bit.

Just saw this TV on eBay that i think is cap so I just bid 3,000 grand on it.

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
Not work related.

This all stems from Remy trying to defend Amos by tying some weird ass opinion to a PFF stat that he actually didn't have access to see. When I called him out, he tried to spin. Which is what he does whenever he's called out for his bullshit. Spin, deflect, refuse to answer direct questions.... FT and I repeatedly asked him to answer the question and instead of answering, he deflected to this narrative that I paid for data that is crap.

And yes, I pay for PFF. And yes, the data is crap.

When I called him out, it was exposed he couldn't back up his (fucking Special person) argument with actual data - which I had and knew he was wrong on.

So now, he's living on my dick because, like many others, I exposed him.
Alright. Thanks.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Not work related.

This all stems from Remy trying to defend Amos by tying some weird ass opinion to a PFF stat that he actually didn't have access to see. When I called him out, he tried to spin. Which is what he does whenever he's called out for his bullshit. Spin, deflect, refuse to answer direct questions.... FT and I repeatedly asked him to answer the question and instead of answering, he deflected to this narrative that I paid for data that is crap.

And yes, I pay for PFF. And yes, the data is crap.

When I called him out, it was exposed he couldn't back up his (fucking Special person) argument with actual data - which I had and knew he was wrong on.

So now, he's living on my dick because, like many others, I exposed him.

Lol, I already linked the thread.


As far as I know those stats are behind the $249 a month subscription so are you saying you pay about 3,000 a year for PFF stats you don't believe in?

So I can read quite well. I simply think you are lying about knowing what grade PFF gave Bush on that play because I don't think you pay $249 a month for that information.

But if I missed where that information is on PFFs site then let me know where I can find it.

I pay 250 per month. As I said, I have been a subscriber for years.

he got a zero on that play.

Which is the same grade on that play that Hillary Clinton got. IOW, they rated him as basically a non factor.

And any time youre ready to stop deflecting, are you going to answer FT's questions?

Why would anyone believe that a guy so opposed to PFF decided to pay 3,000 a year for the data particularly when he can't even explain why. We all know the reason you can't share it is because you don't have a reason. You lied about having the access and have been repeating this dumb shit about your finances ever since.

I would not have said anything in this thread except that you had the audacity to chastise someone for considering PFF stats they received for FREE all while you pay 3,000 for crap.

Like let's play a game. Who is the bigger idiot? The person who quotes free PFF stats to foster discussion or the person who pays 3,000 for PFF when they think it sucks? For most rational human beings, the answer is the latter ie you Mongo but sure let's keep hearing from the guy dropping 3,000 on PFF how crap their stats are.

P.S. Yes I know. I don't know your finances or why you let PFF fleest the fuck out of you to the tune of 3,000 a year.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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Again.... You fucking Special person

My finances, or the amount of a membership I paid for, or what I use the data for, is something you have ZERO info on.

I proved you didn't know then what you were talking about. And I have proved it again.

Oh, and whatever the cost, which is something you're for some reason hung up on, the data is crap.

And, you are on my dick still...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Again.... You fucking Special person

My finances, or the amount of a membership I paid for, or what I use the data for, is something you have ZERO info on.

I proved you didn't know then what you were talking about. And I have proved it again.

Oh, and whatever the cost, which is something you're for some reason hung up on, the data is crap.

And, you are on my dick still...

I don't think you know your finances or what you use the data for because it would be pretty Special person to use data you think is crap. Then again, maybe I just overestimated your intelligence so my apologies if I did.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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I don't think you know your finances or what you use the data for because it would be pretty Special person to use data you think is crap. Then again, maybe I just overestimated your intelligence so my apologies if I did.

Interestingly, 3K to you may be your whole world (clearly it's a big deal to you), but to me, (even if it isn't the reason for my account) it was well worth it to expose what a fucking hack/dumb ass you are.

I wasn't the first, nor will I be the last.

And you're still on my dick


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Interestingly, 3K to you may be your whole world (clearly it's a big deal to you), but to me, (even if it isn't the reason for my account) it was well worth it to expose what a fucking hack/dumb ass you are.

I wasn't the first, nor will I be the last.

And you're still on my dick

Wait you think I'm the dumb ass when you are spending 3 grand for something others post shit from for free? Lol! I love how you keep pretending there is some super secret reason for your account that you can't divulge.

Maybe take that 3 grand and buy some hoes or dudes (if that's your thing) to be on your dick since you keep talking about it.

Anyways I'm out bro. Had enough hilarity for the night.


CCS Donator
Sep 28, 2014
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Chicago, IL
This is exactly what I look like while reading these posts.



Sort of a big deal...
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL
I have no care for this entire dumb thread but I hope Mongo is using the data to make money - maybe on some sort of website - a possibility that would likely shatter Remy's entire world.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I have no care for this entire dumb thread but I hope Mongo is using the data to make money - maybe on some sort of website - a possibility that would likely shatter Remy's entire world.

Lol, it wouldn't shatter my world. It would also be in violation of the contract because the $250 a year is for non-publishing rights as if you want to publish the data in order to make money, you are suppose to request a quote because the pricing for publishing is much higher. But I suppose it's possible in which case the options would be.

1. He's a liar and doesn't have a subscription.

2. He's a moron because he pays 3,000 for something he says is crap.

3. He's an unethical asshole for violating the terms of his agreement with PFF by using the data to make money and peddling a product to his consumers he doesn't believe in.

I'm not sure how any of the above would shatter my world or how any of the above makes Mongo look good.


Sort of a big deal...
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL
Lol, it wouldn't shatter my world. It would also be in violation of the contract because the $250 a year is for non-publishing rights as if you want to publish the data in order to make money, you are suppose to request a quote because the pricing for publishing is much higher. But I suppose it's possible in which case the options would be.

1. He's a liar and doesn't have a subscription.

2. He's a moron because he pays 3,000 for something he says is crap.

3. He's an unethical asshole for violating the terms of his agreement with PFF by using the data to make money and peddling a product to his consumers he doesn't believe in.

I'm not sure how any of the above would shatter my world or how any of the above makes Mongo look good.

Fair. I guess the point is that there is a wide range of useful things that can be done with bad data and you seem to lack the creativity to accept this.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Fair. I guess the point is that there is a wide range of useful things that can be done with bad data and you seem to lack the creativity to accept this.

No, if Mongo offered up one of those reasons then I may accept it but he never has which leads me to conclude he's lying. Anyone that actually had a logical explanation would simply have stated it. He doesn't have one so he keeps repeating the I don't know his finances line or why he uses the data.

It's a question of credibility not of creativity. Like honestly if you were using this data for a logical reason, what would be the reason not to just say it? What is so top secret about the way one uses crap football statistics that you don't want to just say it but instead you want to browbeat other people discussing the data?

If you are using the data creatively then why are you telling others they can't be taken seriously for using the data? Look at the below. Mongo has no idea how Jordan uses the data yet he says we shouldn't take Jordan seriously. So the issue here is the hypocrisy. If you or Mongo wants us to blindly accept that Mongo is using the data creatively then he has no basis to chastise the poster below because he has no idea how the poster uses the data. It's the hubris and arrogance of him telling others they shouldn't use the FREE data they have while he wants us to believe he has a really super secret good reason for using the $3,000 of crap data that rings like bullshit. Basically it's like Mongo is claiming only he and he alone can use PFF for whatever reason he pays them $3,000 for. It's absurd and illogical.

Some people hate PFF. But if they sit through games a break down the play of every single offensive lineman, then I have no choice but to take them seriously.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

And with that post, we have no choice but to NOT take you seriously...


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2013
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No, if Mongo offered up one of those reasons then I may accept it but he never has which leads me to conclude he's lying. Anyone that actually had a logical explanation would simply have stated it. He doesn't have one so he keeps repeating the I don't know his finances line or why he uses the data.

It's a question of credibility not of creativity. Like honestly if you were using this data for a logical reason, what would be the reason not to just say it? What is so top secret about the way one uses crap football statistics that you don't want to just say it but instead you want to browbeat other people discussing the data?

If you are using the data creatively then why are you telling others they can't be taken seriously for using the data? Look at the below. Mongo has no idea how Jordan uses the data yet he says we shouldn't take Jordan seriously. So the issue here is the hypocrisy. If you or Mongo wants us to blindly accept that Mongo is using the data creatively then he has no basis to chastise the poster below because he has no idea how the poster uses the data. It's the hubris and arrogance of him telling others they shouldn't use the FREE data they have while he wants us to believe he has a really super secret good reason for using the $3,000 of crap data that rings like bullshit. Basically it's like Mongo is claiming only he and he alone can use PFF for whatever reason he pays them $3,000 for. It's absurd and illogical.



Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Mountains to Sea
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Indiana Hoosiers
Aren't you the guy that claims you pay the 250 bucks a month for full access to PFF?

Lol you claimed you spend like 3,000 a year for.

Claims PFF sucks but then admits to paying 250 per month and 3,000 a year for it. .

That's really the only logical explanation I can come up with because if he really does pay $250 a month for premium stats that he says repeatedly shouldn't be taken seriously then he's getting fucking FLEEST.

I reiterate, you are either a liar or a fucking moron paying 3,000 a year for something you are basically telling other people not to take seriously.
Again, paying 3,000 for something you say is crap is Special person. That is all!


Mongo claims he still pays 250 a month or 3,000 a year for something we used to get for like 20-25 bucks a year. He claims he does so despite describing PFF as crap.

The data is so crap you paid 3 grand for it.

Cool story bro!

Just saw this TV on eBay that i think is cap so I just bid 3,000 grand on it.

I don't know your finances or why you let PFF fleest the fuck out of you to the tune of 3,000 a year.
Lol, this is precisely the point I'm making. Mongo claims he still pays 250 a month or 3,000 a year for something we used to get for like 20-25 bucks a year. He claims he does so despite describing PFF as crap.

The data is so crap you paid 3 grand for it.

Cool story bro!

Maybe take that 3 grand and buy some hoes or dudes (if that's your thing) to be on your dick since you keep talking about it.

1. He's a liar and doesn't have a subscription.

2. He's a moron because he pays 3,000 for something he says is crap.

Holy Fuck! You argue like a 7 year old.

