You see what you choose to see. Where were you when I stated that he was the best pg in the NBA? Where were you when I stated that he was the league's most valuable player and that people were using the wrong arguments to validate his position as an MVP candidate? Where were you when I was absolutely giddy after game 1 against Miami when they beat the Heat in commanding fashion, while other Bulls fans I knew told me I needed to calm down?
I got you bro. Like I said, I'm relatively new here. So whatever was said before the first day I started posting is beyond me. I only respond to what I read.
And what concessions have I made for Lebron James? I said he was the best player in the league...he still is. I said he was the most talented player in the league and to ever play in the league...I still believe that. Those are not concessions...those are opinions. I am 36 years old. I don't have time to hang posters on the wall and paint my big belly red to show Bulls allegiance. Like I stated before, this is NBA, not wrestling. Vince McMahon can't spell out for me who is the face and who is the heel. I make my own decisions...I am sorry if I don't boo and hiss when Lebron shows up on the screen...I have my own opinions of these players.
This whole forum thrives on opinions. I respect yours, other-wise I wouldn't respond to yours posts. I guess when I say concessions, I should've broadened it. But for instance, you don't think james created his own hype? Come on. The excuses you've used for james role in the heats inability to win a championship. These are two off the cuff. I like the way you conveiently neglected to respond to my post as to how lebron has created his own hype.
I don't think Lebron is the devil he is made out to be and I don't think Rose is the angel he is made out to be. Rose seems to be a nice young man...that's great, but I don't think Lebron is some evil beast either. And please, stop with the 8 years argument. How long was Hakeem in the league before he won? Oscar Robertson? Jordan took quite a while too. As pointed out before, Malone, Barkley, Stockton...never won anything. How long was Garnett in the league before he would win? Hell, Wilt took how long? Those are circumstances. Blaming the player for not winning a championship is lazy analysis. This is NBA, not tennis.
Funny you mention these players, but when I try to apply the same standard to scottie pippen, you rebutal and it turns into a 30+ page debate. And to show my consistancy, I'm applying the same argument for rose. As code said, sure neither rose or james have won a championship. But still james has had 8 opportunities to roses 3. So the standards are different. And once again here comes the concession. Why should it not matter that james has had an extra 5 years to accomplish what rose has tried to accomplish in only three? Talk about a head start.