

CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
And kick his dog.

I dont have dogs anymore, thanks for reminding me!


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Native Americans and the anals of history have nothing to do with this. Let's stick with the story at hand and stop justifying what this traitor did as somehow balancing out the egressions the US has committed over the years. Manning took files that were classified. It doesn't matter if you thought they weren't that important or if he didn't either. That was not his call - the US government had reason to classify them and so they did. He betrayed our country by releasing those. And Assange willingly took the info out of his hatred for America. Both of these guys need to be dealt with harshly.

Our past history has EVERYTHING to do with the argument, our past history is why we do not trust the government.


Wait, I think you must separate two things. America and the American Government. I love American but I want the corrupt broken government to burn. We went away from the ideals of the forefathers, I am not suggesting we become strictly constitutionalist but I think our politicians never factor in the the intent of the forefathers.

Off subject but neither side cares a fucking thing about the Constitution or our forfathers. They care about their individual PACS.

I will always question the Government. While I agree with IHF there are certain things better kept under wraps I have two major concerns.

One they CAN'T keep it under wraps. Our Government is a fucking mess. Period.

Second, to what extent?

Then again we almost wiped out an entire culture in the "NAME OF AMERICA". Hypocrisy at it's best. I dare anyone to go to Browning Montana and preach the "American Way". Do it at night please. Then report back if you still have your tongue or fingers.


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Jul 12, 2010
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How do you know for 100% sure? Prove it. Sources.

You can't since you can't trust our government. So though I do not believe it is an inside job you simply cannot rule it out as fantasy. You have to give credit the idea.

And you can't prove it was a conspiracy. But common sense would tell you that it was terrorism that day and not an 'inside job'. I remember discussing this with someone on the O-boards a couple years ago when NHTA forum was there. The person was saying that photos of a 747 circling the air during 9/11 "proves" that it was the command center for us to blow up the towers ourselves and kill innocent people. What a bunch of bullshit. Given any tragedy in America there will ALWAYS be conspiracists. Hell even some French nut wrote a whole book on how no plan crashed into the Pentagon - his rationale was there was no video so therefore it didn't happen - more BS. Some other conspiracy shit that the unknowing believe was a coverup/conspiracy

1) JFK assassination

2) RFK assassination

3) MLK assassination

and on and on it goes.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Our past history has EVERYTHING to do with the argument, our past history is why we do not trust the government.

How does the U.S. government taking land from Native Americans have anything to do with Bradley Manning stealing hundreds of thousands of documents in a vile act of treason against this country and giving it to terrorist Assange to divulge to the world?


New member
May 14, 2010
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And you can't prove it was a conspiracy. But common sense would tell you that it was terrorism that day and not an 'inside job'. I remember discussing this with someone on the O-boards a couple years ago when NHTA forum was there. The person was saying that photos of a 747 circling the air during 9/11 "proves" that it was the command center for us to blow up the towers ourselves and kill innocent people. What a bunch of bullshit. Given any tragedy in America there will ALWAYS be conspiracists. Hell even some French nut wrote a whole book on how no plan crashed into the Pentagon - his rationale was there was no video so therefore it didn't happen - more BS. Some other conspiracy shit that the unknowing believe was a coverup/conspiracy

1) JFK assassination

2) RFK assassination

3) MLK assassination

and on and on it goes.

Except their's overwhelming evidence of conspiracy of at least 2 of those 3 on that list.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
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Except their's overwhelming evidence of conspiracy of at least 2 of those 3 on that list.

No there's not. I'll debate you on any of those. Probably a separate thread needed. My guess is you think the JFK assassination is the best case of conspiracy. I'll show you it's not - and I used to be one of those Oliver Stone believers for years. Then after reading and seeing the evidence I came to realize the Warren Commisison got it right.


They did? Maybe if they had the one video they could never find. Until then there is plenty of evidence from what you actually know.

Other thread though.


How does the U.S. government taking land from Native Americans have anything to do with Bradley Manning stealing hundreds of thousands of documents in a vile act of treason against this country and giving it to terrorist Assange to divulge to the world?

It is why you question the Government. This is why no one likes to discuss anything with you.

And just a tiny FYI they didn't just take land, they killed them in cold blood. Women and Children. In the name of the American People. Brutally and in many cases un provoked.

Like I said go preach your "Proud to be an American" in Browning Montana. Let me know so I can watch and laugh at the same time.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
And you can't prove it was a conspiracy. But common sense would tell you that it was terrorism that day and not an 'inside job'. I remember discussing this with someone on the O-boards a couple years ago when NHTA forum was there. The person was saying that photos of a 747 circling the air during 9/11 "proves" that it was the command center for us to blow up the towers ourselves and kill innocent people. What a bunch of bullshit. Given any tragedy in America there will ALWAYS be conspiracists. Hell even some French nut wrote a whole book on how no plan crashed into the Pentagon - his rationale was there was no video so therefore it didn't happen - more BS. Some other conspiracy shit that the unknowing believe was a coverup/conspiracy

1) JFK assassination

2) RFK assassination

3) MLK assassination

and on and on it goes.

No one claimed it wasnt. They pondered the notion that the administration may have known about it but did nothing. Its the same concept of the pearl harbor consipiracy (which admittedly has far more circumstantial evidence).

That the government knew an attack was coming but did nothing. Why they would do that in pearl harbor its quite obvious, its no secret FDR wanted to join the war. At the time the US population was staunchly isolationist and needed a pearl harbor to rally the country to support joining the war and conveniently, the main target of the Japanese was the American Carriers that were supposed to be present in pearl, but conveniently were not, if they were the pacific fleet would have been utterly shattered and the beginning of American involvement in the war could have gone very differently.

Again, there is no direct evidence, therefore there is no proof the government "let" pearl harbor happen.

This is the style of consipiracy people are talking about in this thread, not that the US govt actually orchestrated 9/11, but knew it was going to happen and let it, for whatever reason, I mean we invaded 2 countries with little no know resistance from the US populace, because of 9/11. No 9/11 no invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan..period.

But again there is no proof, but in both situations the idea is plausible.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was also thought to be the same situation.

So was the sinking of an American Ship that sparked the Spanish American war.

Again, no direct evidence has ever been presented that the Government allowed nor had any involvement in these incidents, and I am not saying they did. I am just saying, I wouldnt put it past them.


No one claimed it wasnt. They pondered the notion that the administration may have known about it but did nothing. Its the same concept of the pearl harbor consipiracy (which admittedly has far more circumstantial evidence).

That the government knew an attack was coming but did nothing. Why they would do that in pearl harbor its quite obvious, its no secret FDR wanted to join the war. At the time the US population was staunchly isolationist and needed a pearl harbor to rally the country to support joining the war and conveniently, the main target of the Japanese was the American Carriers that were supposed to be present in pearl, but conveniently were not, if they were the pacific fleet would have been utterly shattered and the beginning of American involvement in the war could have gone very differently.

Again, there is no direct evidence, therefore there is no proof the government "let" pearl harbor happen.

This is the style of consipiracy people are talking about in this thread, not that the US govt actually orchestrated 9/11, but knew it was going to happen and let it, for whatever reason, I mean we invaded 2 countries with little no know resistance from the US populace, because of 9/11. No 9/11 no invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan..period.

But again there is no proof, but in both situations the idea is plausible.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was also thought to be the same situation.

So was the sinking of an American Ship that sparked the Spanish American war.

Again, no direct evidence has ever been presented that the Government allowed nor had any involvement in these incidents, and I am not saying they did. I am just saying, I wouldnt put it past them.

They just haven't given those "secrets" away yet.

Thank god someone questioned the English Government 200 some years ago. Fluff would be picking English Tea Leaves right now, either that or making an Indian Dream Catcher.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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No there's not. I'll debate you on any of those. Probably a separate thread needed. My guess is you think the JFK assassination is the best case of conspiracy. I'll show you it's not - and I used to be one of those Oliver Stone believers for years. Then after reading and seeing the evidence I came to realize the Warren Commisison got it right.

Congress had a second investigation back in the 70s regarding both the JFK and MLK assassinations, both using the same sources as the Warren Commission. Take a wild guess which one isn't taught in school and why. It's all a matter of public record.

Besides that, it's funny people keep saying "those crazy conspiracy theorists" especially when it comes to 9/11. Because everyone, no matter what you believe, is choosing to believe in a conspiracy theory explanation. It just depends on which version you believe. Personally, I'm taking them all "under advisement", especially the one in which that party has a history of LYING TO US.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Further more Fluff, Im completely with you on the government having first person involvment in 9/11 what with remote control planes disappearing its own citizens etc etc with the rest of the foil hat club.

But your resistance to the idea, the government may "ignore" a little important intel because the result may allow the administration to further some ends, is laughable. (Again not saying they did).

The reason i say that, is I bet you have personally entertained every single Obama conspiracy that has ever had the pleasure of surfacing.

WAIT! I can put it in terms that are more your speed.

God, let Jesus get crucified, to secure an end.

He could have stopped it, but he didnt.
